It can be difficult to be your true self

As an LGBTQ+ person, you face many of the same challenges as anyone else, with the added complications of fear of discrimination and oppression. Coming out is a challenge that others don’t even have to consider, and even after crossing that bridge, you may then face so many other barriers.

Here’s what you may have to deal with:
  • Difficulty accepting your sexual orientation

  • Coping with other people's reactions 

  • Feeling your body does not reflect your true gender  

  • Transitioning

  • Low self-esteem

  • Self-harm 

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Depression from long-term effects of bullying and discrimination

  • Hostility or rejection from family, friends or your community  

  • Fear of violence in public places 


Everyday life can be challenging


You still have to look at your surroundings before you can even hold your partner’s hand, and you drop hands when coming up to others who make you wary. You have even felt like an outsider within the LGBTQ+ community. You have not been allowed to show yourself to the world.

Relationships, parenting, careers, education, health. You have to approach all of these in a different way than others do. These environments can be difficult to maintain an authentic sense of self.

You have tried to push through, ignore those who aren’t trusting, and find others who can relate. Still, there are times where you feel alone and insecure about who you are. While exploring your sexuality and identity you might find that the group of those you can trust is smaller than you would like.

All of this has become a source of anxiety and depression. Feelings of fear, shame, guilt, and regret creep in and interfere with your happiness.

It’s time to regain control

It can feel scary to take that first step in therapy, especially if you have experienced judgment and discrimination previously.

You should have a safe place to explore your questions of sexuality; roleplay difficult conversations with family members; and learn to recognize and cope with difficult times.

LGBTQ Community

You should be able to love yourself as you are. Therapy can be the safe and accepting place you deserve to explore your sexuality and identity, figure out how to confidently come out to others, and navigate life in the LGBTQ+ community.

Reach out to us now and together we’ll help you build the sense of security of knowing who you are.