You’ve been struggling for a long time

You have been feeling empty, and that things don’t matter. There are few things that make you feel better: maybe drugs or alcohol, or maybe it’s something else.

Either way, these are the only things that have helped you get by. It never seemed liked a big deal before, but as time went on you needed them more and more.

Life wasn’t getting any better, so why not keep the few things that have actually made life tolerable?



Screw this!

You’ve already tried in the past to get clean, but have found yourself going back to addiction when life has thrown something else at you.

You lost a job, your partner left you, you’ve been fighting with family, you stopped going to school. You’re full of anger, resentment, fear, pain. It can feel like it’s just too much to handle.

Something has to give

You’ve come to realize that the thing that has helped this whole time has actually been hurting you, maybe even making your life worse, but now you can’t imagine life without it.


You’ve heard from others that “you have a problem”. Until now, this problem has been saving your life.

But now it’s not enough. Things are getting worse. You want out of this pain. You just want to feel happy. You want to be healthier, have secure relationships, maintain steady work or school. You want to feel confident that you can recover from addiction and be successful in life.

The thing is, it’s not only hard to do, it’s hard to do it alone. What you deserve is for someone to help you during your recovery. Someone who can be there for you, hear you without judgement, and help you not only get through the addiction, but also help you work on the things that led you to addiction in the first place.

Therapy can be a space for you to get the support you need while you recover, work on the issues that led to addiction, and learn the healthy skills to manage the emotional pain of your past.