Therapy for Young Adults


So you are now an adult! At least, that’s what you’ve been told. Though, in certains ways it doesn’t feel like it. In fact, there are things about adulthood leaving you feeling lost, confused, and discouraged.

You’ve been thrust into this world of independence that expects more from you, and you’re not quite sure what to even do.

You started college, or are working full-time, or maybe haven’t even left the couch because you’re not sure what to do. In any of these cases, you are reading this because something (or someone) as told you that things aren’t quite right.

‘Adulting’ is overwhelming, expectations have grown exponentially, and guidance has become limited. The stress of balancing different responsibilities is starting to grow unmanageable.

You’re feeling anxious, depressed, scared, incapable. You are struggling, and you need help.


Therapy is here to help you figure out how to navigate this tumultuous period of emerging into adulthood. You should be able to feel confident in yourself and abilities, and know that you can manage the uncertainties of this life stage.

It’s time to start making some changes so you can hold your head high and build a successful future.


Starting therapy now can help you feel better and build confidence during this weird phase of life.